Massage Therapy’s Role in Healthier Skin
There are a lot of things to be grateful for this month, but have you thought about your skin? You should considering that November is National Healthy Skin Month. The skin is the largest organ in the body and protects our body as a first line of defense from millions of harmful environmental elements everyday. Healthy skin is imperative to your overall health. That’s why it’s important to make sure that you are taking care of your skin properly. continue reading
How to Ditch the Cigarettes with Massage Therapy
November 21, 2013 is Great American Smokeout Day. The Great American Smokeout is an initiative sponsored by the American Cancer Society to encourage people to quit smoking. Since the 1970s, every third Thursday of November, smokers across the country give up their cigarettes for one day as they begin to eliminate smoking from their life.
The first Great American Smokeout day was in 1976 when the California Division of the American Cancer Society got nearly 1 million smokers to quit for the day. The event went nationwide that very next year.
Many local communities across the nation hold events in honor of the Great American Smokeout to help users create a plan to quit and inform of them of all of the available resources out there for them to help them quit. continue reading
November is National Diabetes Awareness Month
As a licensed massage therapist, my clients’ health is one of my primary concerns on a day-to-day basis. That is why I am always on the lookout to inform you of national health holidays that can help create awareness in our local community.
You may or may not know, but November is National Diabetes Awareness Month. In the U.S., more than 25 million adults and children are living with diabetes; while 79 million more are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The American Diabetes Association estimates that the total national cost of diagnosed diabetes in the United States is $245 billion. continue reading