Massage Therapy and Thai Massage in Jacksonville, FL

Traveling Massage: A Newer Option

chairMassage03172014Massage has gained in popularity over the past five to ten years. It is a huge part of spas and salons. It is commonly found in chiropractors offices and physical therapy centers. Many independent therapists have their own local businesses.

One thing you may not have heard about yet, however, is that massage can be taken anywhere. Chair massage is a fast growing way to bring massage to people who are too busy, who cannot get out, or those who want to liven up the workplace or an event.

Chair massage is just that. Therapists have a special, portable massage chair they can take anywhere, although it is sometimes used in an actual session in place of a table. It is built so that the client leans slightly forward, resting their head in a headrest while sitting comfortably. This allows the therapist the best access to the entire back and shoulders. Even if a person isn’t able to use a massage chair, a regular chair will work too!

In the workplace

Employers are realizing massage has benefits. Not only in reduction of sick days due to things like repetitive use injuries, but it boosts morale and increases productivity. It is a great way to introduce a healthier workplace plan. Some employers now even have a therapist on staff.

A great way to enhance events

Massage is becoming increasingly common at things like bridal showers, baby showers and home jewelry parties. You will often see free massage offered after marathons and various sporting events. It is also a great way to boost attendance at corporate events and things like trade shows and health fairs.

Those who cannot visit a practice

Nursing homes, hospitals, and hospices are quickly jumping on board with the idea of massage for residents. Though most cannot maneuver onto a massage chair, a therapist will use a regular chair or even do massage while the person sits in their wheelchair. It is a great way for people who don’t have much chance socialize to receive touch and attention. Some places have therapists on staff, especially in cancer treatment centers and hospice wards. Many nursing homes have volunteers who work with the activities department to provide massage.

If you would like to have a massage therapist improve your workplace or would like to include massage in an upcoming event, contact us.

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